Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"From Mama, With Love............."

Friend, this one is for you! A parting gift as well as your wedding gift from me. Though I enjoy writing I frequently get affected by 'writer's block' and that's the reason you find the blogs posted at such long intervals.

You asked me to write about motherhood and my daughter. Of all the roles of a woman I got to live so far, motherhood has been/is the most rewarding, gratifying, and fulfilling experience for me. My daughter is my need and necessity. Everything else and everybody else come a distant second in my life." You must be wondering where does my husband stand then? I don't belong to the clan which gushes and praises about the man in their lives.

My daughter is a part of me and wherever she goes and whatever she does, my thoughts and prayers would always be with her. I look forward to everyday and every minute with her. I enjoy the simple pleasures of life with her like going out for an ice-cream, reading out a story for her and smile to myself when I catch the curiosity in her face (eyes and mouth wide opened), seeing her off to school, playing her favorite song and watch her dance moves, seeing her apply lipstick (smeared all across the chin and cheeks), the list is endless. I call them the 'Pedestrian Pleasures of Life,' which I strongly feel no amount of money can buy. You got to live through those moments to realize how valuable they are.

Motherhood also teaches you a lot of things. It reveals your ability for patience, to take responsibilities and make sacrifices. I remember being ridiculed, when I took a 3-year sabbatical and gave up my job to be with my new-born and be a full time mother during those formative years. People around me called me 'worldly unwise'. Though, it was a 48-hour job to be done in 24-hrs, I was ridiculed saying that it cannot be put in my resume.

Motherhood is a big time job! Every word you say, every action of yours has a profound effect in shaping and molding your child's character. It is always a pressing concern and priority as to what kind of individual am I going to contribute to the society.

Motherhood is definitely not for wimps. It has its highs and lows, challenges, conflicts, resistances, responsibilities, and bouts of guilty feelings. I remember reading somewhere that 'Parenthood is a huge guilt-generating business.'
Motherhood! More So !!! At times, it could be a thankless job even. But certainly, it has its moments of sweetness, satisfaction, love, gratification, and pure joy too.

I've my fears too. I often wonder how it would be when she gets out of her pig-tails and frilly frocks. Will I become the 'grumpy Mom' disputing her choice of clothes and friends and make life suffocative for her or will I be the 'understanding Mom' sharing her excitement and dreams. Will I force my likes and dislikes on her, or will I be ready to accept and respect her independence?

I'm looking forward for those challenges and changes. I find motherhood a work of my heart. In spite of all the anxiety, challenges and hardships involved, I feel I'm living my best life.

I will conclude by quoting Roosevelt's words on motherhood, " The good mother, the wiser more important to the community than even the ablest man, her career is more worthy of honor & is more useful to the community than the career of any man, no matter how sucessful."

I wonder what my child would think when she reads this years later. As for you friend, you asked for it!

More power to you Dear Friend to face the challenges ahead. Good Luck for all your future endeavors and God Speed!


Moondustandmagic said...
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Krishna said...

Your crisp narratives bring out various emotions - touching (Lucky), humorous (ma'am sahib), caring (From Mama)and sharing (extra room)- some of which we tend to forget, going about with our daily grind.

You have an amazing talent for writing and wonder why you don't blog often to share your musings.

Abhishek said...

nice one!!!


lily said...

thts made one wonderful reading.. brought to mind all the fantastic feeling only a woman can have.. i thoroghly enjoyed myself... said...

Yet another touchy and beautifully penned post. I'm sure of all the roles a woman plays, the role of a mother is by far the most satisfying experience. Please keep writing, you make a difference for to the readers lives in a touchy way. Thanks for this post, it will be cherished.

Salty said...

Yet another sweet post... Please please do post more often. There are quite a lot out there who look fwd to new musings from you- I'm one of them, please don't disappoint us.

anand mankar said...


xxgorgeousafinaxx said...

good post ;)

Hayden said...

Erm..good keep it up up more..cant sleep without reading your story...


Anonymous said...

thats so touching..
how nice u r..
im so proud of u..

Silent Life said...

its good

Silent Life said...

sometimes we went into deep emotions!

Muazzam Mehmood

Ash said... new to blogging..very inspiring and positive..


Hiral said...

Lovely post!! Only women are blessed to feel and express this phase of life which is the most challenging and beautiful faze of life

Anonymous said...

I'm touched!

g4g grgt54g said...

best one...BloggerHelp24

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Unknown said...
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Victor Kachi said...

Didn't noticed you are a female. Wow, this is cool. I'm from Nigeria. I really must confess that i enjoyed your write-ups. Thanks dear!


Anonymous said...

Nice Post

Best Wishes

Jegede Oluwatosin said...

So so touching....
They say a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.

My act said...
